
by Mike Kalvas

202104291529 Repeat the message in order to be heard

There's a saying that goes

For a message to be transmitted effectively it has to at least be communicated in 3 different ways and said 3 times each way.

There's another saying that says

You need to say something 7 times for someone to hear it once and they need to hear it 7 times for them to understand it.

A huge portion of responsibility as leaders is to collect information, 202104291526 Make the hard decisions, and then follow through on them. Since 202104291525 It's not a leader's job to be the best at everything, we're not the people who are carrying out the actions that come out of the decision. In order to keep everyone aligned and successful, it's critical that everyone knows the message behind the decision.

Everyone working on the project or direction should be able to answer the question "what is the vision and strategy for this project?" on the spot. It should be so ingrained in their heads that they can make the expert decisions that they're supposed to without needing to ask the leader about each one. The only way they can do that is if they know that message and that mission deeply. The only way to get people to know that message deeply is to keep repeating the message about where we're going and why (202203231647 Leading from vision). It's much easier for people to make the right decisions when you 202304051001 Use a simple heuristic to guide gradual adoption.