202408130044 Tech — Work — Ramblings
#structure #blog #tech #work #ramblingsThis page serves as a simple index of all my blog posts. This list should be roughly equivalent to searching for the #blog tag.
If you're looking for my shorter #microblog posts, see 202208270000 Microblog.
- 202411302359 Advent of Code 2024
- 202208010000 Making a Rust Roguelike
- 202206171206 Delivery Performance vs Value Delivery
- 202205150000 Learning Rust
- 202205010000 Making a Fitbit Sense Watch Face
- 202109150000 Idea Gardening
- 202109010000 Prototype Expand Consolidate
- 202108010000 Designing for Big Screens
- 202107150000 Working in Public
- 202107010000 Unifying My Domain
- 202106010000 Rewrites Are (Almost) Never the Answer
- 202105010000 The Silent Majority of Engineering
- 202009010000 The Only Correct Way to Organize Code
- 202007010000 2019 Work Reads
- 202006150000 Gestalt Principles of Design
- 202006010000 Revamping My Blog
- 202004010000 CodeMash 2020 - Review
- 202001080000 CodeMash 2020 - Live
- 201911150000 What React and Kubernetes Teach Us About Resilient Code
- 201810010000 Development Estimates
- 201809010000 Piping Code With GitLab CI
- 201808010000 Cloud Native Computing
- 201807010000 Architecting a More Modern System
- 201806010000 First Reactions to React
- 201805150000 Lightning Talks
- 201805010000 Shades of Self
- 201612010000 Cleaning Out the Skeletons
- 201610280000 My Brand New Blog
Old slugs for posts
As we all know, cool URIs don't change. Here's a list of the slugs to my blog posts that are permanently redirected on my domain. If you have a hard link to one of these using the old slug, consider updating it.