
by Mike Kalvas


Heterarchical content organization

Tag Description

The #structure tag is used for structure notes. These are hubs of Zettel that are connected under some sort of idea. They help with discoverability and maintenance of the Zettelkasten as a whole.


The #source tag is a single Zettel to organize the notes I take while working through some source material. Each Zettel that's a #source is also a #structure Zettel. For example, I take notes while reading a book in a Zettel that's named for the book's title and tag it with the #source tag. These notes aren't technically needed if we do a good job citing sources, but it's helpful during the initial reading and note taking for long-form content that requires multiple sessions.


The #wip tag indicates that this is a Zettel I'm actively working on creating or adding to. It's not meant to signify whether the idea itself is well enough formed, only whether I knowingly have more writing/editing to do at this point in time. All Zettel should strive to be permanently useful, not permanently unchanging. In fact, each and every Zettel should be viewed as infinitely ongoing projects of understanding.


The #new tag indicates a new Zettel that I'd like to sit down and look for some more connections before removing the #new tag.


The #thread tag indicates that there's an idea in this note that I find fascinating that I could follow up on at some point. These are threads to pull at and see what unravels. For instance, if I see a cross-functional connection to a Zettel but I don't have notes in that area yet, I'll just write it freely in text, add the #thread tag, but not create any new Zettel until I'm ready to pull on that thread and meaningfully add it to my Zettelkasten.


The #blog tag is used for blog posts. Distinguished from the microblog tag in length and effort. The goal of writing these is to synthesize my thoughts and knowledge into something more finished and polished than simply taking notes or posting thoughts.


The #tech tag is used for blog posts that deal with tech and programming.


The #work tag is used for blog posts that deal with work and professional things.


The #ramblings tag is used for blog posts that deal with anything and everything.


The #microblog tag is used for microblog posts, status updates, thoughts, moments, links, resources, memes, and anything else. This is my catch-all bucket for posting things to the internet.


The #link tag is used for links to other sites and resources.


The #project tag is used for projects.