
by Mike Kalvas

Unifying My Domain

A Question of Scope

Bringing all my projects under one roof.

#blog #tech #work

Bring It In

I've been working a lot of small projects lately, learning some cool things, and wanting to write about it all. At the same time, I want to host the projects so I can link to them and show them off.

So I started updating my old site so that I could use it for hosting these projects, but then thought better of it. Instead of blogging on my blog, putting my portfolio on my homepage, and other things on other sites and domains, I'm just going to put it all in one place.

I think this approach is a good idea for a few other reasons too:

On the other hand, there are some downsides:

But all in all, I'm excited to be consolidating and updating all of this. It's been fun to do and I'm happy with the results so far. I hope you'll bear with me while the site is missing some of the things that have traditionally been on my domain. I only have so much spare time to devote to the migration.