
by Mike Kalvas

202106221744 Begin with the end in mind

Do not just act. Think first. Before we act, we should act in our minds. Is this how I think it will go? Is that how I want it to go? Are those the consequences that we wish for?

This habit applies to all areas of life.

In business, it usually means that we should set a goal and stay true to measuring ourselves against those outcomes as we work. Are the projects we're undertaking helping us reach that outcome?

In life, we should envision the type of future that we want to have so that we can plan and work towards it. We must act based on principles and constantly review our mission: am I who I want to be right now, what is my opinion on how my current life aligns with my principles, how do I want to be remembered?1

  1. Covey, S. R. (2004). The 7 habits of highly effective people: Restoring the character ethic (Rev. ed.). Free Press.