202107272306 Data-last pipe design
Contrasts with 202107272307 Data-first pipe design.
To start, the basic idea here is that the “data” or “object” is passed as the last parameter to a function. Consider the standard library List.map
function from OCaml.1
let numbers = ;
(* numbers is the "data" and the last parameter *)
let listTwo = map;
Data-last pipe design is common in functional languages because of currying #thread and partial application #thread.
Let’s take the example from above and break it up taking advantage of currying and partial application.1
let addOneToList = map;
let listA = ;
let listB = addOneToList;
It’s obvious in this example why data-last makes sense. Partially applying the function gives us a new function that we can reuse on different data objects. This is a powerful (de)composition #thread mechanism and the style of programming building up composed functions without specifying their parameters is called point-free programming #thread. Point-free programming is only possibly because of currying and partial application.
Functional languages supported currying by default and therefore naturally gravitated towards data-last conventions.
The Pipe (last) Operator |>
The last major reason that data-last was widely adopted was because the pipe operator.1 It was introduced in the theorem proving language written in StandardML called Isabelle and later adopted by others like OCaml, Haskell, F#, or Elm. The value it brought to functional language centers around the verbosity and ergonomics of chaining function calls and their outputs.
(* Without |> we have to nest calls or assign temp variables *)
let getFolderSize = folderName => ;
(* With |> we can chain the output of each function to the next *)
let getFolderSize = folderName =>
|> filesUnderFolder
|> map
|> map
|> fold
|> bytesToMB;
You can see how this is much cleaner. But this raises another question — why doesn’t this solve the type inference problem? The data is now top-left of the function. The answer is simply that the |>
pipe operator is an infix function #thread. This means the pipe is re-written to a function call and the body of the callback is evaluated before the map
as a whole.
- How does that square with the rest of this data-last causing a problem with inference?
- How does this still cause it to be evaluated wrong? You would literally put the argument first, but for some reason the body of the callback function is evaluated first?
- A long tradition in functional languages
- Great integration with partially applied functions
- More straight-forward composition
- A simpler solution for application of functions with optional labeled arguments
- Works with
, which is supported by default on every OCaml backend.
Chávarri, J. (2019, May 10). Data-first and data-last: A comparison. Javier Chávarri. https://www.javierchavarri.com/data-first-and-data-last-a-comparison/ ↩ ↩2 ↩3