202109060836 Knowledge should accumulate
If we don't turn our learning practices into an ongoing accretive effort, what's the point?
As we learn new things we should be mindful that none of our knowledge exists in a vacuum. We seldom think of all of the unconscious things that we know and how they make learning new things easier (or harder #thread). We also tend to discount the time and effort that has gone into past learning (202208211352 There is no shortcut to learning) instead favoring the idea that it's natural to know certain things. Most people could not specify how and when they created some arbitrary piece of knowledge (202109060835 Knowledge is constructed).
Therefore, we should be mindful of the compounding effort of learning (202304112152 Intellectual investment is like compound interest, 202304102048 Compounding Interest). 202109091133 Notes should associate organically as we build clusters of information and we should allow surprise connections to expand our thinking (202109091131 Notes should surprise us), but we should also put in the conscious effort to expand our areas of knowledge.
It takes effort to 202109060816 Do your own thinking especially as we utilize the 202205021249 Stock and flow of knowledge to accumulate information in a modern 202205021701 Digital streams vs gardens ecosystem.
202110231445 The SECI model of organizational knowledge supports this accumulation idea through iterative evolutions of knowledge that build on one another.