Idea Gardening
An Organic Process for Developing Thought
Idea gardening is the practice of sitting on ideas so that they can germinate on the back burner of your mind.
#blog #ramblingsTODO: remove in favor of the old regular zettel 202109090947 Idea gardening
The Idea Garden
We plant ideas, consciously or not, deep in the depths of our mind. The place is dark, quiet, and damp, heavy with the breath of life.
There they sit in a timeless state, slowly spreading their tendrils, taking root, nourishing themselves on the fertile soil of id.
Sometimes they tangle with other ideas, competing for nourishment or becoming indivisibly fused.
Sometimes they shrink, wither, and decay becoming part of the soil they took root in. Here they'll feed others. Or maybe their seeds will sprout again.
Sometimes they grow in a streak of tenuous height, bursting into the light. If they aren't plucked, their strength wanes and they sink back down to try once more.
And sometimes — very rarely — they grow strong and big. They form pillars between the soil and the sky, connecting deep intuition and emotion to the brilliant light of human intelligence.
This is the harvest of an idea garden and we reap the bounty.