202110231433 Think week
Popularized by Bill Gates, a think week is a week spent in solitude, focused on thinking.1
The purpose of a think week is to remove distractions and stimuli that will detract from our ability to think deeply on topics and ideas for an extended period of time. A think week can include books or other information sources but shouldn’t include distractions like social media, TV, and the like.
Seclusion, solitude, peace, quiet, light exercise, simple healthy food, and simple living arrangements focused on the environment are all conducive to effective think weeks.
Similar to, but more deliberate and less frequent that 202304112203 Ten percent time.
Runaway Suitcase. (2019, June 18). How to do a Think Week Like Bill Gates. Runaway Suitcase. https://www.reservations.com/blog/resources/think-weeks/ ↩