202110251147 Strengths of platform teams
Contrasts with 202110251148 Weaknesses of platform teams.
- Thinking of infrastructure as part of the product. Looking at cost and efficiency and downtime are all things that platform teams excel at.1
- Building out capabilities and general solutions for other teams. Think of a platform team as building a toolbox instead of showing developers which tools to use for all problems.1
- Instilling a culture of rigor around research. Platform teams have to be careful with assuming that data and research can be applied to the entire platform instead of just being valid for that section of users. Generating insight that applies across the entire platform can be hard or impossible. Platform teams can help their organization's culture by being good at working in these stringent conditions.1
Ballona, D. (2021, February 15). Composition for teams: Platform and application pattern. Dballona. https://dballona.com/en/composition-for-teams-platform-and-application-pattern/ ↩ ↩2 ↩3