
by Mike Kalvas

202203241428 Do more with less

The greatest leaders are inspiring (202107240951 Visionary leadership style) and performance obsessed (202203241152 Ask for more from your people). In order to become one of these leaders — or more simply report to one — we need to have a similar mindset.

It's a direct logical conclusion that the best leaders are the ones that can do more with less resources. Inspiration drives alignment and engagement, streamlining efficiency, and getting the most out of the team members.

Another aspect of this is that it's our responsibility to our team as leaders to help them grow, become the best version of theirselves, and reward them for that excellence. We can't do that if we're constantly asking for more resources, splitting our time, investing in new and different avenues.

For example, hiring another team member means less compensation or promotions for everyone.