202207271324 Creating a monad from a set
Say we have a set ($M$). What would make that set a monoid?
Our first step to Monads is to make the set a Magma. A magma is a set that has any binary operator ( $\cdot$ ) that takes two elements of that set and produces another element in that set.
$$a,b \in M \implies a \cdot b \in M$$
Next, we add associativity to turn our Magma into a Semigroup.
$$\forall a,b,c \in M \enspace [(a \cdot b) \cdot c = a \cdot (b \cdot c)]$$
Next, we add the identity constraint to turn our Semigroup into a Monoid.1 Note that we specify the "left" and "right" identity since we don't have the commutativity constraint.
$$\exists i \in M \enspace [\forall x \in M : | : i \cdot x = x \land x \cdot i = x]$$
Notice also that as a category, a monoid contains only one item (hence the "mon-" prefix). All morphisms loop back onto the same object. This is an english language way of saying the same associativity and identity ideas.
This is where we take a turn away from sets. The (in)famous saying
A monad is just a monoid in the category of endofunctors.
shows that we need to look at the monoid through the lens of a functor to create a monad.2
Refreshing our knowledge of Functors and Applicatives
Functor f) => Applicative f where
We extend those to include bind
(or join
or >>=
). This function is defined as the act of applying a monad (m a
) to a function that takes a value and returns a monad ((a -> m b)
) to produce another monad (m b
Now we need to ensure the "left" and "right" identity and associativity work for our monad to make sure that it really is a Monad (and also where we confirm our connection to the monoid).
-- a value in default context fed to a function = applying the function to the value
return x >>= f = f x
-- a monadic value fed to return just gives us that same value
m >>= return = m
-- nesting doesn't matter when chaining monadic function applications with bind
(m >>= f) >>= g = m >>= (\x -> f x >>= g)
In a more obvious form, but using Kleisli-composition operator
infixr 1 >=>
So this shows that we have a "set" with binary operation (for product monoid multiplication and for monad functor composition) that follows the associativity and identity (for product monoid 1 and monad "return" or the identity function) constraints.
Monads have to be "fixed" to a specific functor whereas monoids are defined for any functor.
Finally, we can put forward a mostly rigorous way that a monad is made from a monoid.3
- The monoid set ($M$) is replaced by the endofunctor $T : X \rightarrow X$
- The binary operation ($\mu : M \cdot M \rightarrow M$) is replaced by the natural transformation $\mu : T \cdot T \rightarrow T$
- The unit/identity element ($\eta : 1 \rightarrow M$) is replaced by the natural transformation $\eta : I_x \rightarrow T$
Wikipedia contributors. (2022). Monoid. In Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Monoid&oldid=1097717275 ↩
Lipovača, M. (2012). Learn you a Haskell for great good! A beginner’s guide. No Starch Press. http://learnyouahaskell.com/ ↩
Mac Lane, S. (1971). Categories for the working mathematician. Springer-Verlag. ↩