202207310947 Staff engineer promotion packet
Here are some questions to ask yourself in order to prepare a promotion packet for a staff engineering position.
- What are your Staff projects? What did you do? What was the project’s impact (including a well-defined goal)? What made this project complex? Keep it very short and then link out to supporting design documents1
- What are the high-leverage ways you’ve improved the organization?
- What is the quantifiable impact of your projects? (Did you increase revenue by $10 million? Did you reduce year-on-year customer support tickets by 20%?)
- Who have you mentored and through what accomplishments?
- What glue work do you do for the organization? What’s the impact of that glue work?
- Which teams and leaders are familiar with and advocates for your work? What do they value about your work? One sentence, include data (e.g. survey data) when possible
- Do you have a real or perceived skill or behavior gaps that might hold you back? For each, how would you address the concern? One sentence each
Larson, W. (2021). Staff engineer: Leadership beyond the management track. https://staffeng.com/ ↩