
by Mike Kalvas

202308141538 It's your life

Never forget that your life is yours. You alone have agency in it. We all have the power to build the life we want, live the life we want, and change reality to reflect our will. It's a deep, dreadful, awful, wonderful, life-affirming, joyous, humanistic responsibility and we must never forget it. You have the 202407010952 Freedom and Responsibility to live.

202109060833 Sapere Aude and seize the day. Live your life to the fullest. Get out there and experience the world. Experience other people. Take advantage of your short time here.

See 202307282003 An Ode as a poetic example of the idea that we alone have agency and the power to make the changes we want and build the future we imagine. Also 202208221306 In the Desert and 202210141736 Ozymandias.