202312091503 Make reversible decisions quickly
#newMake reversible decisions quickly and irreversible decisions deliberately.
This saying has been popularized in the tech world (though I don't know the original source to attribute here, it's also mentioned in 202307241042 The Pragmatic Programmer1).
We tend to spend too much time in 202109090909 Decision paralysis when it's more often the case that either direction is fine and even if one is bad, we can reverse course. Because of this mis-attribution of weight on the importance of our decisions, we need a reminder like this one to push through that and take action.
Another interpretation of this is that 202312091509 There are no final architectures and 202312091511 There is no such thing as sacred code. Everything is subject to change and re-evaluation at any point in time. The only thing we should surely do is 202205031449 Optimize for change, which means making decisions with the knowledge that they'll be changed later.
Thomas, D., & Hunt, A. (2019). The pragmatic programmer, 20th anniversary edition: Journey to mastery (Second edition) (pp. 48). Addison-Wesley. ↩