202312111413 Seniority is transient and relative
Perhaps a better way to describe this is that expertise is transient and relative. But when we phrase it like this, it becomes self-evident. Of course expertise is related to a specific area and time. An expert C programmer in the 1970s would look a lot different than an expert C programmer today. Similarly, we must remember that "seniority" — which is inherently a slippery term — is relative to individual systems, tools, times, organizations, and more.1
Furthermore, we must 202106241524 Sharpen the saw and grow to retain, increase, and expand our areas of expertise. Id est 202208211352 There is no shortcut to learning and 202304031233 Repeated success requires adaptation.
Mancuso, S. (2015). The software craftsman: Professionalism, pragmatism, pride (pp. 6). Prentice Hall. ↩