
by Mike Kalvas

202402251224 Delays are ubiquitous


In accordance with 202402251213 Hofstadter's Law, delays are everywhere. In 202203210833 Systems thinking, all stocks are a form of delay because 202402171455 Feedback can only affect future behavior. When modeling a system it is important to remember that 202203210832 Models are necessarily incomplete including the element of time. We may see a neat system of supply and demand, but even rational actors will exhibit "irrational" behavior — i.e. behavior that they would not take without delayed information (202402251232 Reality has bounded rationality) — in the presence of feedback delays.1

  1. Meadows, D. H., & Wright, D. (2011). Thinking in systems: A primer (Nachdr.) (pp. 10. Chelsea Green Pub.