
by Mike Kalvas

202405031400 Minimum Viable Replacement: A New Approach to Replacing Old Systems


Introductory article for the framework

About 100x as long as needed and poorly written. Did not even introduce a “framework” in the end, literally just set up the problem and ended with GLWTS. But the slides are good.

The problem: Replacing an existing system is the exact opposite of an MVP

If you’re trying to retire a legacy platform — instead of having the luxury of just solving very specific customer segment needs — you need to solve the needs for every customer segment using your software! [...] Instead of trying to solve the needs of just one small segment, you now have to deliver 20 years worth of software development for thousands of customers across multiple countries and segments to retire the system [...] Consequently, we need to prove that the new technology matches or exceeds the value of the old technology for our existing customer base.

Retiring systems takes longer and costs more than your executives want to hear


Stir Trek Talk

Embrace uncertainty

Focus on risk reduction

Understanding Augmentation vs Replacement

Minimum Viable Replacement

Use the watermelon detector