202106221151 Define done
Defining what it means to be done with a project or task is crucial.
Here, done includes all outcomes including successes, neutral ones, and failures. We need to have a clear picture of when to stop working. Depending on the outcome, that can range from celebrating a win to cutting losses.
We must 202106221744 Begin with the end in mind in order to be successful in the long term even if we’re not successful in this specific task. We have to be able to consistently make progress even if that’s learning what avenues are not valid by exploring them and failing.
Defining what it means to be done can help with 202106221150 Procrastination because 202106221122 Procrastination is triggered by emotional aversions like ambiguity and lack of structure. Having a clear definitions removes those aversions from the situation.
This differs from 202106221152 Define success because done is the fallback for success — it happens whether we succeed or not. Success requires measurement but done can be as simple as a deadline.