202107240954 Synergist leadership style
Unlike the 202107240951 Visionary leadership style, 202107240952 Operator leadership style, and 202107240953 Processor leadership style whose patterns are based on their individual preferences and behavior, the synergist is primarily motivated and focused on what is best for the organization they are part of.1 They detach their personal desires and collect information from any source available to form high level direction for their team.
To manage a synergist, make sure that they aren't taking too much time to weigh up their sources. Push them to take action when necessary and contribute a personal judgment when integrating their final direction from their sources.
Natural synergists are rare, but people with the natural tendencies of the other styles can learn to be a synergist when necessary.
McKeown, L. (2017, June 27). What’s Your Leadership Style? The Do Book Company. https://medium.com/do-book-company/whats-your-leadership-style-fdc8bad45fe0 ↩