
by Mike Kalvas

202109121536 Maturity of independence

Independence means you are (mostly) free from external influence and the need for support from others. This level is valuable, but there's a higher level we can aspire to — the 202109121530 Maturity of interdependence.1

The idea of independence is highly valued by most people. This is the area of being in control of your own destiny. Building independence is primarily an act of mastering your 202109121518 Circle of control. This is done through the habits of 202106241529 Be proactive, 202106221744 Begin with the end in mind, and putting 202106241528 First things first. Plenty of effective people live in this level of maturity and never surpass it. Becoming a highly effective person involves pushing through to the next level though.

  1. Covey, S. R. (2004). The 7 habits of highly effective people: Restoring the character ethic (Rev. ed.). Free Press.