
by Mike Kalvas

202304041100 Learn, don't memorize

Memorization is the easy way to get a good grade or look like you know something. However, as we know, 202208211352 There is no shortcut to learning, 202109060835 Knowledge is constructed, and 202109060836 Knowledge should accumulate. In order to have wide (202304031221 Breadth of knowledge fuels analogy), meaningful (202204301410 Criteria for durable knowledge storage) knowledge and ability to use that knowledge to communicate (202110251122 Analogy is a highly effective communication method), we have to understand the "why" behind the "what".

We are all lifelong learners (202208211426 Work with people who know they don't know) and should strive to get down to the fundamentals instead of just learning a rote piece of information. 202107272242 The Art of using a Zettelkasten is an attempt at habituating and recording some of this process.

If we look at 202107282144 Bloom's taxonomy of knowledge, we see that memorization is only the most basic level of knowledge. Understanding and using that knowledge is more advanced and valuable.

One aspect of memorization that can be useful is to 202308141518 Be a pack rat for little facts and 202308271108 Construct hooks for future knowledge. This isn’t memorization for memorization’s sake though. Rather, it’s memorizing — or more accurately remembering facts — in order to learn Things more widely and deeply in the future. It’s filling things away in order to be able to say “oh yeah, I’ve seen this before.”