
by Mike Kalvas

202404301034 Stir Trek 2024

#source #structure



Selected Sessions

time room rank speaker track session
08:45 could not attend
09:45 Jedi 1 Brian Meeker Architecture, Patterns Messaging With Limits: Concurrent, Multi-Stage Data Processing in the Real World
09:45 Empire 2 Matt Eland Application Languages, Frameworks, Fundamentals Making your code suck less without setting fire to production
09:45 Skywalker 3 Jonathan Knapp Architecture, Patterns Why overcomplicate when HTML will do?
11:00 Jedi 1 Chris Gardner Application Languages, Frameworks, Fundamentals Understanding How Your CPU Thinks
11:00 Empire 2 Matt Kelly Williams Professional Skills, Leadership, Business Sabotage productivity the CIA way
11:00 Force Awakens 3 Steve Smith Architecture, Patterns Modular Monoliths - The Goldilocks Architecture?
11:00 Sith 4 Haley Hendershot Malone Design, Product Strategy I Ain’t Afraid of No Ghost Products: A human centered approach to breathe life into unused products
13:00 Clones 1 Mike Hand Application Languages, Frameworks, Fundamentals The Language of Languages
13:00 Empire 2 Chris Nelson Full Stack Web Development Beyond Request/Response: Why and how we should change the way we build web applications
14:15 Empire 1 Kevin Mireles Design, Product Strategy Minimum Viable Replacement: A New Approach to Replacing Old Systems
14:15 Sith 2 Anthony Russell Security Bug Bounty Recon - Bypassing Geographic DNS with Ensemble
15:30 New Hope 1 Ashley Holcomb Professional Skills, Leadership, Business Joe the Axolotl, Clever Closet, & Demonic Robots - Weird Projects of Tech-Savvy Middle School Girls
15:30 Force Awakens 2 Kevin Griffin Architecture, Patterns Let's Build A Simple Web Server From Scratch

Session Notes