202104291523 Leadership
#structureHow to lead
- 202203231646 Affecting long-term change
- 202203241152 Ask for more from your people
- 202110181203 Be clear about expectations
- 202110181158 Coaching underperformers
- 202109090909 Decision paralysis
- 202203241428 Do more with less
- 202110181231 Don't tacitly endorse bad behaviors
- 202104292040 Eat the losses
- 202104291524 Execution is the priority of team management
- 202205021956 Feedback is for changing behavior
- 202407010952 Freedom and Responsibility
- 202208211358 Hawthorne effect
- 202110181205 Invest discretionary time in top performers
- 202104291527 Live in the ambiguity
- 202104291528 Leaders have to accept a slower feedback loop
- 202106241548 Leaders work to remove obstacles
- 202203231647 Leading from vision
- 202104291526 Make the hard decisions
- 202108191029 Measure what you do
- 202205031247 OODA loop of action
- 202206171206 Delivery Performance vs Value Delivery
- 202110052025 The quality of your decisions is the currency of leadership
- 202110220845 Remote team management
- 202104291529 Repeat the message in order to be heard
- 202110181215 Target praise carefully
- 202202011405 Teams abstract individuals over time
- 202108191025 Teams exist for a reason
- 202204301406 Teams should own critical knowledge
- Ineffective leaders focus on their 202109121518 Circle of control while highly effective leaders focus on their 202109121516 Circle of influence
- Avoid 202408220851 Willful ignorance of reality in organizations and make sure you're willing to put in the work to turn ideas, vision, and strategy into practice.
Maybe an Individual performance structure note?
Defining leadership
- 202109251019 Highly effective people are leaders
- 202104291525 It's not a leader's job to be the best at everything
- 202104291947 Our purpose as leaders is to serve others
Philosophy of leadership
Difficult questions every leader faces
- When to build consensus and when to disagree and commit?
- What decisions do the team (or individuals) own, which do I own, and which do I own with their input? Consider efficiency and that your people almost never actually want to make the decisions, they mostly just want to know about them and have a chance to say something.
- How can I facilitate self-directed, project based, collaborative learning? As a mentor and as a manager? When does learning need to take a back seat to getting something done and in that situation how do you make sure the learning happens after or w/e?
- How to push the team through 202203241437 Tuckman's stages of group development (FSNP). Need norms to progress through storming.
- Build a reflection framework for situations and interactions. How do I make sure that I can understand before reflecting too? Think about forming, storming, norming, performing and how it’s essential to know you’re in the storming phase while it’s happening.
- How do I feel comfortable slating things to be built that I don’t necessarily know how to build or what goes into building it. E.g. I’m a CEO and I want us to have some X capability/product in Q1 and Y in Q2. Is this a deep research until we have the answers or is this a vision to make happen?
- It’s important to message up the value we’re having to leaders. How do I do this? How do I make sure that leadership at the
level is hearing it as well asn+m